Pyridine-3-Sulfonyl Chloride

Fine chemicals

Pyridine-3-Sulfonyl Chloride, Fine chemicals, 16133-25-8, m-Pyridinesulfonyl chloride

Anant Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is the renowned and Authentic Manufacturer and Supplier of Pyridine-3-Sulfonyl Chloride in India.

At Anant, we have expertise in synthetic organic chemistry and pharmaceutical analysis and we provide cost effective and accurate custom research services to the industry.

Availability: In-stock. For Exact delivery date, please contact

  • CAT No. : ANT-GEN-207
    CAS No. : 16133-25-8
    Inv. Status : In-stock
    Synonym : m-Pyridinesulfonyl chloride
    Mol. formula : C5H4ClNO2S
    Mol. Weight : 177.61
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